AEHRP's Work in Promoting the SDGs

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a comprehensive framework and approach to addressing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues. For more information visit: THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development (
Our association, which is forward-thinking and globally oriented, recognizes the importance of these goals in creating a sustainable, robust, and inclusive future where no one is left behind. We have made it a priority to align our activities and operations with several of the UN SDGs.
Our programmes, projects and initiatives in promoting the UN SDGs are listed below.

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Since our establishment in October 2017, we have contributed over 3,000 hours of free, lifelong learning and capacity-building programmes to the Human Resources Community in Nigeria, Africa, and Beyond.

These programmes were designed, developed, and delivered with the intent of further educating and strengthening Human Resource Practitioners on how best to serve their organizations, communities, and nations at large.
Our Annual Conference Planning and Learning and Capacity Development Committees focus on this goal.

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Over the years, our commitment to promoting gender equality has been unwavering. Currently, women comprise 63% of our leadership team, a testament to our deliberate efforts in this area.

To further empower our female leaders, we host events such as our International Women’s Day (IWD) Summit, providing them with opportunities to enhance their leadership skills and capabilities.

Our Learning and Capacity Development and our Women’s Development Committees collaboratively work together on this goal.


Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

With the aim of keeping our members competitive in the job market and ensuring they have quality employment, we provide complimentary career coaching and counselling services such as Career and Employability Summits, CV Reviews, Interview Coaching, and Group Coaching Sessions.

In May 2022, we launched a Mentoring Programme that involved 55 Mentees and 20 Mentors. The programme lasted for a period of 5 months, with each mentee receiving a total of 5 one-hour sessions with their mentor. Feedback from the mentees indicated that the programme was truly transformative and provided a great deal of inspiration, motivation, empowerment, and support. The next cohort is scheduled to commence in April 2023.

Our goal for the future is to establish the AEHRP Entrepreneur’s Network to serve the needs of members who are self-employed as consultants, trainers, facilitators, and capacity-building experts.

Our Corporate Communications, Learning and Capacity Development, and Coaching, Mentoring and Counselling Committees collaborate closely to drive projects and initiatives centred on SDG 8.


Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

We have also implemented sound corporate governance policies and frameworks, which we believe are critical success factors in the development of strong institutions. The charters and terms of reference for each arm of the association’s leadership guide their decisions and actions.

As a result, Google recently granted us Free Google Workspace Licenses to improve our communication, workflow collaboration and digital transformation capabilities.

Our Governance, Legal, and Compliance and, Strategy and Corporate Performance Committees collaboratively focus on this goal to ensure that we contribute to its advancement within our sphere of influence.


Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.

Our association is deeply committed to forming partnerships, collaborations, and alliances. We have worked with a management consulting firm in the past to provide capacity-building support for an NGO that advocated for SDG 4.

We are eager to join forces with organizations that share our passion for developing human potential, protecting the environment, promoting economic growth, fostering peace, and building partnerships for the greater good.

We also seek out organizations and institutions that align with our SDG priorities, so that we can work together to execute Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

To further advance this goal, our Corporate Communications and Partnerships, Advocacy, and Stakeholder Relations Committees work together.

Registration for the 8th Annual Conference (28th - 30th Aug. 2025) is On!